Manhattan, named for the real-world Manhattan Project of World War II, follows the brilliant scientists who gathered in remote Los Alamos, N.M., in a race to develop the bomb before the enemy, with the world's fate thought to be hanging in the balance. During World War II, the Allies are seeking a way to shorten the conflict and build on the work of a group of scientists, under the direction of Professor Oppenheimer. Incommunicado in Los Alamos, New Mexico, scientists are working tirelessly. Frank Winter, underestimated by his peers, testing new hypotheses. Life on the military base is difficult for civilians, especially as the secret services suspect everyone to be a spy for the Nazis or Soviets. With some samples of plutonium, the research finally moving forward.
A work in progress, I am so far behind in most of these that I'll need a fortnight off work just to catch up on one of them!!!! Some, I missed when they were shown, others I forgot about them as they went on hiatus or perhaps didn't like them before but have been persuaded to give them another chance...if you see this list and have a recommendation, leave it in the comments! :)