From the mind of famed creator J. J. Abrams (Felicity, Alias), Lost centers around a seemingly random cast of characters marooned on a mysterious tropical island after their flight crashes in the South Pacific. These castaways quickly realize that the island is less deserted than it looks, and that they are more closely connected than they thought. An ever-unraveling, ever-evolving mystery that keeps its audience guessing, Lost has won countless awards including an Emmy for Outstanding Drama Series and the Golden Globe for Best Television Series - Drama.
These are all shows where character have been introduced as bad/mean/troublesome ones that you automatically hate but though time have become some of my favorite characters because of redemption or having gained my sympathy. This is mostly focusing on characters out side of the main ones.
These are all shows where some of my favorite characters are doing bad things for good reasons (or just bad things, in a bad as way so that I love them anyway). For clarification killing bad people are included as doing a bad thing for a good reason, officers of the law killing on duty is not included.