Log Horizon
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Log Horizon

"A Lazy, Cowardly Princess"

Date Aired: Jan 24, 2014 (Japan)

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Minori manages to convince Naotsugu and Nyanta to let her party begin a surprise attack against the goblin forces. Meanwhile, the Eastal Lords hold their own private conference to discuss Yamato's current predicament, including the Izumo Knight's disappearance and of sacrificing Lord Kiliva's Tsukuba City to the goblins as a possible battle strategy. Lenessia eventually overhears this information as well as the Lords' intention to use the Adventurers. In the meantime, Shiroe prepares specific roles with Crusty and Michitaka for their talks with the Eastal Lords until they are finally summoned. Having predicted that the Lords would try to gather more information from them, Shiroe uses the same tactic, prompting an outburst from Kiliva stating that the Adventurers have a responsibility to act. Although Michitaka violently retorts that they deserve more respect than what the League has shown them. At this time, Lenessia reluctantly makes a sudden appearance and notes the League's error in negotiating with the Adventurers and instead proposes that she go to Akihabara to respectfully recruit volunteers to aid the People. Afterwards, as Minori's party continue fighting with their own resolve, Shiroe, Akatsuki, Crusty and Lenessia make their way to Akihabara as Shiroe remarks that Lenessia may be the one to change the Cities of Eastal.
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