Mom List
7 Shows
These are shows that I grew up watching my mom watch. Always said I would never watch, but I failed.
Grown But Still a Kid (Inside)
1 Show
Shows that are tailored for kids that I just can't help watching sometimes (whether it be on a regular basis or sporadically)
Current Binges
Shows that are currently still airing that I need to catch up on
Finished and Done
0 Shows
Concluded and I have finished watching.
1 Season Fails
3 Shows
Shows that ended after 1 Season that I feel had a somewhat interesting premise. Some shows could have been done better but some just had no fan base.
Ended before Finished
6 Shows
Shows that I was watching somewhat religiously but got behind on and the show ended before I could catch up.
Late to the Party
23 Shows
Shows that have concluded that I somehow missed out on. Ended before I even started watching
Rewatch Central
8 Shows
Shows I have seen part of and sometimes even saw the series finale but I haven't watched all the way through
One Day Binge-worthy
12 Shows
Shows I eventually want to watch but are not currently at the top of my list
TV Guide
5 Shows
Shows that I am mostly caught up on and are still coming on