About what you would expect if you ever saw "The Boys". I just enjoy the different perspective of what a world with super powers would be.
I mean there's no way it could possibly hold up to its competition. Boy Meets World was one of the best shows to ever be on Television. The Family Values, the Moral conflicts, the relationship between viewers and characters. It was perfect.
Girl Meets World is definitely different.
So far the only conclusion that I can come to is that Boy Meets World related with their audience while Girl Meets World tries more to entertain their audience.
Cory and Shawn were representatives of our time. Riley and Maya are entertainers of this era. Think about it. Unless every kid in school these days can play instruments, draw perfect art, sing extraordinarily well, and look hot doing it.
Not to mention Riley's character is just dumb as a brick. She's adorable, I'll give her that, but especially for someone with a teacher for a father she is absolutely clueless. At least Cory had the smart-alecky logic of a normal kid.
I watch the show because I owe it to Cory and Topanga to do so. They raised me and I cannot thank them enough for that. Riley is adorable and the message of the show isn't a bad one. It will just never measure up to that of Boy Meets World.
Oh boy.. Keep this woman away from me.. Death follows her everywhere she goes!! An interesting spin on a murder mystery series. Maybe not very real in the realistic sense however it is a fun distraction if you want to see something unique and different.
Welcome back Janeway!! This series is fun so far.. I'm hoping for it to become a little more Star Trek in the next half of the season. We'll see :)
Honestly, the main character has doubts and thoughts that I would expect any person to have in a relationship. It's one of our greatest flaws to try to look for one person who can attract us in every way imaginable, which isn't even possible. Hell, many of the things that we are attracted to are complete opposites of each other. So we go through life scratching each itch one at a time in an endless cycle until we decide that we've had our fill and then choose to settle down with whichever attraction we think matters the most to us at the time. Then after some time goes by we start itching again.. It's human nature. I enjoy how this series shines a light on what we are all afraid to talk about.
This is just a spin off of "That 70's Show". With a nostalgia factor of seeing some of the old cast in this new series.
I'm not a 70's child so I cannot comment on how accurate that series was for them however I am a 90's child so I can state with absolute confidence that this series does not at all reflect life in the 90's. The more youthful cast is also a bit of a let down. It's like they grabbed a group of 2023 pre-teens, put them in D.A.R.E. shirts, and tried to pass it off as a series. It feels more like a cheesy Disney show than anything else.
I was more of a fan of Girl Meets World than I am of this series even though they had problems of their own.
Not your average Vampire series. In fact, the fact that they are vampires at all appears to be irrelevant. Yes, there are abilities and magic but these creatures bleed, bruise, and die just like any other... and with ease..
No, this is more of a show about politics and hierarchy.. With a little bit of teen angst and drama in the mix. Sprinkle in some sex and some romance and you have Vampire Academy..
I started watching this show because, let's face it, Jennifer Love Hewitt is freaking HOTT! So naturally I'd find myself at least giving this a shot. Then it actually turned out to be pretty entertaining. Maybe it's the damsel in distress that I found myself lured in by or maybe it was watching her overcome her obstacles and evolve into a stronger woman simultaneously. Eventually the show got stale toward the end and I felt as if I was watching it only out of habit. I suppose there are only so many things you can do to keep a show like this going. Worth the watch if you are a JLH fan but otherwise it can probably go overlooked.