The first 2 seasons of this show was madly intriguing the story line and suspense were brilliantly executed. The last 2 seasons however weren't as interesting, season 3 particular was awful but the final season halfheartedly made up for it. Glenn Close and Rose Byrne are talented actress and if you have the patience then I recommend this legal drama.
I absolutely loved Veronica Mars, the finale was disappointing but the other season were truly awesome. Would recommend, Kristen Bell is a great actress.
I really really enjoyed this show, also because I love Eric McCormack! But I really loved the fact that he was dealing with schizophrenia which was an unusual take in TV and interesting to see how it affected him. Also enjoyed the realistic ending in which Kate and Daniel did not end up together. It deserved another proper season to tie all loose ends.
Friends was that show which my parents disapproved of watching but nonetheless I was addicted like everybody else. I also learned my English watching this show so yeah I was obsessed (I still watch reruns). I highly recommend each character is unique in their own ways and thus you find yourself able to relate some situations and its hilarious.
Gilmore Girls was one of those shows which I became addicted to, during High School. Rory and Lorelei are strong relatable characters and In loved this show all the way through the end. It just made me happy and I'll forever recommend.
I used to be obsessed with this show. I loved each episode and ofc Jennifer Love Hewitt's hair was perfection
I miss this show already! The final season in my opinion was a let down but other than that I enjoyed each episode. Finding out who Red John was became thrilling with each season and kept the show going nicely. I would definitely recommend.
They honestly need to bring back old school teen dramas. Growing up the O.C was honestly was one of the best shows which I was religiously after school. It was the right mix of teenage angst/humour. I adored it and would recommend over and over again.
It was getting better but definitely over hyped.
Season 2 was by far much better than season 1. It was decent for what it was, it was actually getting much better. The storylines were getting better so it was a shame to see it being cancelled. 10/10 for the eye candy though (DASH) Wendy was my favorite character by a mile so the finale was upsetting. This show had so much potential, and the finale was so rushed like many of the plots which was disappointing . The Dash x FBI storyline was finally giving his character a purpose and Freddy dying was an unexpected twist which deserved to be explored and the ingrid baby story line.