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The SideReel Editorial Team's resident reality TV expert. Come talk smack with her about TV and celebrity shenanigans on SideReel's Facebook fanpage (! Also answers to Shoogie, on occasion. :)

User Lists

Shows as Old as SideReel

18 Shows

SideReel just turned 10! Here's a roundup of TV shows that share our birth year (2007)!

I Give Up

11 Shows

I have a really hard time breaking up with shows in general, but when it came to these series, I just couldn't TAKE ANYMORE!!!!

Christmas Episodes Done Right

10 Shows

From Chrismukkah to a very Benihana Christmas, these shows feature some of my very favorite holiday TV moments.

My Current Top 10

9 Shows

The best of the best! Or at least, the entertaining-est of the entertaining-est!

Feel-Good Old Favorites

12 Shows

These series are near and dear to my heart. Some of the stars may be washed up by now, but watching these shows never gets old!

Marathon Me!

22 Shows

I should be ashamed that I haven't watched these yet... but don't worry, I'm on it!