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I rarely meet a show I don't track... :D I have lists galore as I love all genres of tv, but, hey, it means I never run out of shows! I've found even more shows to watch through some amazing sidereelers' lists! Starting conversations with lists is one of my favorite things about sidereel. I love how we can all love or hate a show yet still have a friendly chat. You'll find me dashing around the site, leaving friendly comments on reviews, shows, lists and articles. <3

User Lists

Just started watching - and it's concluded....

3 Shows

Oh well, I suppose that means I can binge watch if I like it. Has lovely reviews.

Shows of days past...

38 Shows

Oh, how I loved you, Party of Five.

Some of my favorite shows

7 Shows

Love these.

HATED every moment of this show...

3 Shows

I know some of these shows are just adored all over the world but they're not for offense meant...

LOVE LOVE LOVE! My favorite shows!

55 Shows

Each of these shows, well I just love them! Usually I'm binge watching at least one of the fictional ones at any given time, to me they're a joy... :D


1 Show

Best cop procedural, ever...yep, I said it.... :)