Childhood TV
19 Shows
stuff I watched as a child and a teenager
Hall of Fame
17 Shows
The best shows, past and present.
Not gonna work
29 Shows
Seen a handful of episodes, but that's not really my style.
Out of habit
57 Shows
Might have started as my fave but now heading to unfinished. Or watched it through out of habit. But we all know it was a train wreck near the end.
On again, off again
50 Shows
Shows I don't watch regularly, I just like to catch a few episodes once in a while
To watch
What's been on my radar for a while, haven't got a chance to check it out
Started Unfinished
46 Shows
Series that I liked for a while but at some point bored me/pissed me off. Might come back
Faves Ended
55 Shows
My favorite shows that has already ended. Seen it all. Started as fave and ended as fave. Though some might be a guilty pleasure.