Sweet little girl that accepts her powers... a change from the tortured superheroes!!!!
Best show of the last few years!!!!! Even when your favorite character dies!!!!!! Dragons, swords, struggle for power, war, wolfs, etc..etc..... Everyone knows it is awesome!!!!!!!
Original Trio of Witches!!!!!!!!! Dealing with being supernatural, keeping secrets and still living your life!!!!!!!!
Dark and tortured superhero who needs to learn he is still human. Team Arrow grows on you and you can't help but deeply relate to their every problems and enjoy watching them evolve and learn or not from their mistakes.
Prison Break meets John Doe, Excellent!!!!! plus Lady Sif is one hell of a warrior no matter who she plays and lets not forget our fearless Spartan. Great team of characters!!!!!!!
Better than expected!!!!!! Truly funny and exciting... twists and funny turns... but incredibly human!!!!!!!!
Grilled cheese!!!!!!! Funny... so many awkward situations.
If only my family were this funny!!!!!!!!! Luv the situations they get themselves in.
Spin-off the is better than the show it was born from!!!!!!!!!! Dark, Edgy and Sexy!!!!!!
Awesome show that ended to soon and could use a movie to give us closure and see what has been up since they left Roswell!!!!!