Sci-fi! Nice little mini-series. Worth the watch. No spoilers.
Woo a sci-fi show! Only 3 stars though :-(
The show centres around a bunch of kids initially left to their own devices in a post-apocalyptic earth that nature has taken back over after a century or two (Phew long sentence). Initially it devolves quickly into a Lord of the Flies type scenario. Then their folks etc arrive and some other baddies/people to rebel against. So currently it's a load of whipper-snappers giving out to the adults, fighting them, rebelling, n stuff, -oh and fighting and screaming and kissing each other (think high-school with more knives and bombs, and more scruffily dressed). Could do with a bit more of the sci-fi and a bit less of the teenage melodrama, although people do get killed n hurt n stuff, but mostly it's a load of hormone filled teens shouting at each other.
The bottom line: I will still watch this, but only because it's sci-fi.