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Really loved the quirkiness of the first few seasons. Losing the namesake of the show after the first season struck me as more than odd, but the introduction of Dale worked. Now season 5 is out, just released on Netflix and from the previews it appears that Dale is now gone too. Unfortunately, with him goes my interest in the show. Don't get me wrong, the other actors are great and I certainly was not watching it just for Taylor Lautner, but it just seems too big a stretch to continue it even further without his character. The whole plot was a particular outsider coming into this family's life, but now they are gone, so why should I or the rest of the audience care anymore? Plus the preview of season 5 looks so modernly cliche (barf). It was an interesting little ride, but I'm getting off here thanks.

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Heroes Reborn


I've been recording this on my DVR, but after watching the first 2 episodes, I deleted them all and called it quits (HRG worrying about Claire AGAIN?!?! Seriously?! Am I the only person that remembers that her power is that she heals and that even Sylar told her she couldn't die?)
I forgot that I ended up having a love/hate relationship with the first incarnation and I decided that I just don't have the energy to hate-watch another show. When you're yelling at the television because you can't believe the stupidity of characters (a speedster bouncing around a small space like a pin ball rather than say..running out the door) and beginning plots (lame, megalomaniacal non-powered boring couple taking revenge for their dead son by killing people who were just like him [wtf?]) before you're even halfway through an episode, it's best to just walk away.