This is a Black Woman's Odyssey. This is a journey home from the war of men who would wish nothing more than to turn human resource into free labour and into renewable resource and commodity. This will have you connecting with your humanity across continents and races. The individual can never share in wealth of the rich and powerful unless they become empowered. The Book of Negroes is a literal thing but it is also a spiritual thing. This will inspire you and inform you of the struggles to be black, female, and hated. Hated here means to be seen as nothing more than a means to an end.
Once in a while, we get to treat ourselves to things we believe to be sinful. You might describe it as being "sinfully delicious". Hannibal is one of those rear moment in a television lover's experience when art, crime, psychology, food, evil, criminally insane, and the methods use to investigate them, blends seamlessly to create a picturesque experience that is,well, sinfully delicious. You've got to enjoy it safely: It is piping hot!
Consistency can be difficult to maintain. This show does it without a hitch. The theme of family, demons inside and outside and demons among angels, angels among demons. Essential, a study of the yin and the yang. TV does not get as human as Supernatural.