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Leigh Erskine


Z Nation


The first few episodes of Season 1 I kept asking myself "Why am I watching this? Why am I doing this to myself?" ... at some point between mid-season and end of season 1 this show started making me really happy... there are few shows that make me laugh out loud when I'm watching by myself but this one does.

Season 2 has not disappointed in that regard at all. I've been grinning and Katamari Cheese all day today.

This show is redonk.



The basic premise isn't awful but the way the main characters were written was so generic and obnoxious (the way the American character was written was so over the top male ego spewage) that it's no wonder there were only 6 episodes. If this were remade with better writing I'd totally watch it.



Such salt. So wow!

This show is seriously the saltiest show out there. I kind of hate most of the main characters (besides Luis and Donna, and I even hate Luis sometimes, and the new not-Donna) and yet I keep coming back for more. It might be that my life is lacking in sodium or I'm addicted to stress.

It's not a bad show but it is all about the drama (well-written drama). Every episode hinges on high intensity stress to the point that by the end of the second season I was thinking that anyone who lived THAT stressful of a lifestyle would have health issues or something. I mean, it's not as crazy out there as Grey's Anatomy but at least the people in that universe laugh and dance like dorks.

The actors are good, wardrobe is good, some of the character quirks are a lot of fun but if you are battling hypertension you might want to skip the salt.

Childhood's End


First things first, I loved the book... I was both intrigued and concerned when I saw that this was going to be a thing. And yeah, the book is *always* better than the movie/TV show for READERS but not everyone enjoys reading so I prefer to judge these things based on the experience of watching it not comparing it to my imagination fueled by words.

My biggest complaint was the actor from "Under the Dome". He just... I don't know. He's not terrible but he's not good either. He's like a Ken doll. I honestly found the relationship stuff overplayed but I'm allergic to romantic story lines in general so that could just be me.

The rest of it though... I liked. Even with the book in the back of my head the series was still thought provoking and chilling. They even managed to find some child actors that weren't terrible.

If you're someone who wants all your questions answered then this isn't for you but I happen to appreciate stories that leave some things open for future contemplation.



This show is so cheese. You have to put your skeptical brain parts aside but once you do that the show is really enjoyable.

This is the movie not the series.



I look forward to Season 2. Season 1 started out feeling a bit cheesy because it was low budget but the world they created where powers are just there, integrated into society... rather than something new and novel.. where good and bad isn't black and white... as well as Eddie Izzard being his usual awesome self... it just really worked for me... enough so that I could forget the budget related issues as well as some of the weaker dialogue moments.