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User Profile


Follows the Tao of Costanza. Writes stuff about TV. Doesn't mix the two. I'm not a cool kid, but I play one on the internet.

User Lists

Shows That Ate Themselves

5 Shows

Shows that started out great but got swallowed by their own mythology in later seasons.

I'm Not Going Outside This Summer

12 Shows

I mean, why even bother pretending?

Midseason 2015-2016 Premieres

24 Shows

They're also coming!

Fall 2015 Premieres

50 Shows



67 Shows

Including Masterpiece Theatre, Masterpiece Classic, Masterpiece Mystery, and Masterpiece Contemporary


6 Shows

Shows I loved that aren't around any longer.

I Hate Myself

8 Shows

Shows I can't stop watching that make me feel like a bad person