Love, love, love. Something about the series is to attractive that you cannot wait for the next episode to see how things play out. Plot twist after plot twist, I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Best show on television. It has it's ups and downs and is the kind of show that might have different stories every episode in terms of patients but has one underlying theme that follows the main characters.
You can't go wrong with a show that makes humor and medicine more appealing
It's necessary to have an open mind when starting this show but once you get past all the futuristic elements that make you uncomfortable it's easy to get hooked on this show. You really don't know what the future has in store so any plot twist can happen.
Historical? Of course.
Entertaining? Surprisingly so.
Even though it depicts history, who is to say that history cannot be a good show? I was surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I did, considering that I was expecting some BBC/ Discovery Channel film.
Started off as slow and in need of some action but once it got the action it span out of control with intense fantasy that it became less of a drama and more of a fantasy/ action show.
Not my personal recommendation.
If I could describe "Dexter" in one sentence, I would describe it as the show that describes the serial killer we hate to love. The title character is the type of serial killer we've all wondered about. A "good" serial killer, if such a thing is even possible, would be the definition of Dexter.