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I've loved TV since I was kid and these days I love it more than ever, and while I'm primarily into cartoons, a lot of live-action TV has caught my eye in recent years.

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Agent Carter so far is pretty good. It was off to a rocky start in the early episodes, however, once we got around half way in, things got a little more interesting and some of the early set up really started to pay off with the revelations in the later episodes. The short number of episodes is good, the performance from Hayley Atwell and the rest of the cast is great and the action is very nicely done.

One Piece

One Piece is a really great anime full of action, adventure and drama, and while it has all of the typical elements of a shonen anime, what it does well is engage with it's unique world and mythology, crazy and memorable characters, really good presentation and awesome stories. It is truly brilliant and very enjoyable thanks to the fact that even though it is very similar to anime in the same genre, it has this larger than life feel, unique presence style and good amounts of humour, but the show goes deeper than that and give you hugely deep backstories with drama and levels of a emotion that will leave you in tears for good and sad reasons.

I really do recommend it to anyone who wants to a different yet rewarding experience when it comes to anime. Even though the series is over 500 episodes long you should give it a chance, I have been watching for almost 4 years come this summer and I've never regretted it, and if you start I doubt that you will regret it either :D

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a good time, it takes a while to get going, but once it does it doesn't stop. Even though I didn't like some of the earlier episodes, they were necessary as they are used for character building and setting up plot elements that come to pass later on. Even though there are problems with pacing, lackluster episodes and a lack of compelling stories, this is countered by a great cast, good use of comic book characters and good pay-off to earlier plot points. Also rewatching the show again allows you to see so many things you wouldn't have seen the first time round. Plus this miniature universe AoS has created for TV creates the potential for more comic book source material to be mined and possibly crossover material into the film universe as well.

I would defintely recommend the show, it is a bit slow at first, but the pros outway the cons so much.