A cute cartoon following the life and daily activities of a girl named Korra.
Cute cartoon, used to be obsessed when I was younger.
An incredibly entertaining and addictive cartoon following the adventures of three teenagers, who try to restore peace in the land with the help of Aang.
A fresh new look at the classic 'Alice in Wonderland'. Brought to you by the creators of 'Once upon a Time'.
A fantasy show based on the book series "The mortal instruments".
A lighthearted comedy based around an middle age mother, her teenage daughter and her hilarious mother.
Entertaining and addictive, this show has a little bit of something for everyone. With quirky characters and funny jokes, this a nice light cartoon for when you want a break from the real world.
A mix of fantasy and romance, this action packed television show is entertaining and addictive.
Good starting but didn't get very far in when it got cancelled. It's a shame as the plot was actually not too bad.
Exciting and mysterious, this is one of my all time favourite shows.