the series is a lot better than the movie was.
to have a show that follows the same timeline of the marvel movies is a great way see the event of the movies at another point of view
the show started off strong and is still going strong. love the flash back scenes
This show is great you just never know who going to died
great spin off that in its own right is its own show
wish they would show more new episode soon
i think this show has what it takes to be great. its a comedy that makes you laugh every episode
love the new avenager. helps get you excited about the upcoming movie
nice new take on the teenage mutant ninja turtles franchise
So the first episode: They used the coming out scene from superman saving a plane you could have done better. Than she broke rule one secret identity telling your co worker SMH and it seem like everyone already know even the government. Now the in powering of woman I'm all for it but i really feel you trying too hard it was her mom who saved her. her mom is known for putting so many criminal in the phantom zone. Her boss is a success women who is okay with being called a girl. she has a sister no brothers and her sister works for the government that hates her but that's okay because her sister have her back kind of. Now the big bad first referred to as the general which of course everyone was thinking Zod only to find out surprise it's some women and she her aunt. Who has the big bad super villain fight the hero in the second episode let me guess she going to lose badly but some how survive so she can gt strong and win next time. one more think who are the Denver's last time i check she was sent to live with the kents on the farm one know a family superman knows he can trust to keep secrets.