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Donnell Hauser

Im living in the fantasy world in my own head.. so jump back.. or on this Crazy train.. whoo whoo

User Lists



2 Shows

Funny, Silly Just all around good shows that dont drag

Morbid Minds

4 Shows

Oh more TV that creates nightmares based on disturbed real loons


6 Shows

A mix of odds and ends literally Supernatural



The Walking Dead

I was dead(no pun intended)set AGAINST jumping on the stalking The Walking Dead masses. Then I spent a day under the weather on Netflix watching not just the first season, 2 seasons. Now Im all caught up and understand, it not about zombies. Its about the multitude of possibilities that people all over would choose to take as their path to fight, flee, or feed... BRAINSSSSSS

Teen Wolf

This has been a secret favorite of mine now. The characters have grown on me. Cant wait for it to start again!!!


I honestly have to say, as long as this show has been on air,the dynamics of the (nice to look at)stars of this show has kept Supernatural interesting as well as entertaining. Love them, Love the makeup, Love the FX, Love the show! As long as there is unexplainable unknowns out in the world, plus thousands of multi-cultures superstitions, folklore and belief systems this show will never run out of plots or ideas.