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I am absolutely in love with the first generation of skins (which means the first 2 seasons) and even though the 2nd generation is almost as amazing the series slowly starts lacking story-line and character development. You know, I would've loved to give this series 5 stars, but sadly the level of quality drops with every generation. Don't even get me started on the 3rd generation. Seriously. It doesn't add up in so many different ways and is simply not good.
I recommend you to watch the 1st and 2nd generation and simply give the 3rd one a pass, it's not worth your while, believe me.

Pretty Little Liars


In the beginning (Season 1 and maybe 2) the show was awesome and the story-line was interesting and you just always wanted to know what would happen next, but over time the show got more boring and totally predictable. I still watch it though, because it's SO ADDICTIVE!



This show is for everyone that likes a bit of gore but still wants an interesting and 'deep' plot and story line.
I find it sad however that you don't see Sam and Dean fooling around anymore, you don't see them smile very often, which I find quite sad.
The first seasons of Supernatural were stale cigarette smoke, one-lane highways, weeping guitars and faded leather. Supernatural was grief and daddy issues but it was longing and hope.
Whilst now it's often mostly grief, and self-pity, and pain.



I already loved the Sherlock Holmes books and movie and the Sherlock of the Series is just a whole other Sherlock than the one in the book or in the movie and I guess everyone has a different kind of Sherlock in mind when thinking of him, so I think it's amazing how Moffat put his Serlock into reality.

The on.y thing I have to critizise are the GODDAMN LONG HIATUSES!