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Pushing Daisies

Funny detective style procedural series with stunning visuals and carefully crafted scenes with matching character attires. Too often resorting to way too much unnecessary cleavage and extremely annoying singing in some episodes. The story is cute and the premise of awakening the dead intriguing. The first season seems a bit superfluous and the characters somewhat shallow, things get a lot better in the second and last season when we start delving deeper into the pie maker's story. Although the series does have a finale, we are left wondering about some story lines that would have been interesting to explore further.

The Catch

OK first try for Shonda Rhimes venturing into the thriller genre.
I was not at all impressed by the first few episodes, didn't feel any chemistry between Mireille Enos and Peter Krause.
Mireille's attires have a 70's tendency, same with the female characters' eyelashes, particularly Mireille's which are so huge, dense and black even my grandma can see they're fakes and paired with her 70's attire I cannot help but think of Heather Graham in Austin Powers every time I see her :)

Although the chemistry does not feel right in the beginning the plot is interesting and, I must confess, I'm a Peter Krause fan so that kept me watching.
As the season goes on the chemistry starts working out and the plot thickens and takes characters to unexpected places, by the end of the first season you will be mildly hooked.
I like the British vibe from Season 1. It feels a lot like Hustle ( the difference being, The Catch is totally geared toward female audiences. There are powerful, strong, independent women in many different roles, be prepared to enter yet another sisterhood. Male characters are kind of weak, coldblooded perhaps but weak personalities with nothing substantial to add to the plot. Hopefully Peter Krause's character gets a personality boost from the writers for next season.

There is one thing I noticed I didn't like; While people are at Alice's office you see in the background a wheelchair going around. It is always in the background. If they really want to show they are an "inclusive firm" hire a real handicapped actor and have them play a role not just have a wheelchair doing the rounds in the background.

If you are interested in getting a view of not only real evidence in the OJ Simpson case but also a very interesting history lesson on how intertwined race issues have been with the LA police you should watch this documentary.
Lately a few interpretations, docudramas of how this all transpired have been popping up but I had never seen such a complete documentary showing the facts on this matter. You will get to see footage from different stages of OJ's life from the beginning of his football career until now when he is currently serving time, as well as interviews with many people involved in the case from both the defense and prosecution, plus the history lesson on how the LA police has for long been perceived as having racist practices.