I really want to like but seem to be loosing more and more interest with each and every episode. I am two episodeds behind and can't really convince myself to watch it. This show is getting really boring. Don't think I'll tune in to season 2.
Absolutely love the books that show is based on so was curious to watch and it doesn't disappoint. Great show.
Loved first season, second was still ok, third was so so but getting weird, fourth however is just ridiculous and I watch it just out of sentiment so ... I'm done. Can't be bothered anymore. Judging from this seasons ratings I am not the only one.
I used to like this show a lot. It was about time travel and changing the past. These days however it is becoming weirder and weirder - all about dark magic and other weird stuff. Sorry, but switching off.
Great tv series with interesting storyline and awesome views of Cornwall. One of my faves. Totally recommend it.
I am sorry but any kind of animal cruelty is a big No No for me. Switching off.