Inspired by a real life heist in London, "Snatch," centers on a group of twenty-something, up and coming hustlers who stumble upon a truck load of stolen gold bullion and are suddenly thrust into the high-stakes world of organized crime.
Thug Calum Ceanadach na h-òrain Ghàidhlig gu iomadach ceàrn agus ard - ùrlair. Bha e ainmeil a-measg luchd na Gàidhlig agus luchd na Beurla. Tha am prògram seo a' cuimhneachadh air a bheatha ann an cuideachd mhòran a bha eòlach air 'An Ceanadach'.
A tribute to the late Calum Kennedy. Reflecting on a career that spanned half a century, stage and screen personalities give their recollections of 'An Ceanadach'.